Friday, August 18, 2017

Adventographer Travel Scholarship

Deadline: September 1st or February 1st for fall and spring sessions 

Award Amount: $1,500


  • open to students around the world
  • enrolled in full time studies at their institutions
  • must be in either French or English language
  • One (1) photo you’ve taken, Sized at least 1000px on the long side, in JPG/JPEG format, named following the format [FirstName][Last Name].jpg
  • One (1) 1000 word short format essay in DOC/PDF format, in french or English language only (if English or french are not your first language or you’re using a translator please make note of this in your submission), include your name, address & contact information, named following the format [FirstName][LastName].pdf
  • Proof of registration at your school – a valid student ID will suffice.

Website: Apply Here