Tuesday, September 12, 2017

The Peck Law Group Elder Abuse and Neglect Infographic Scholarship

Deadline: December 29th, 2017

Award Amount: $500

Elder Abuse and Neglect is an ever growing problem facing our society today. By informing the public on the signs and symptoms we can help bring a stop to this dreadful act.

Elder Abuse and Neglect Infographic Scholarship

Infographics are a terrific way to display information about elder abuse and neglect as they are incredibly easy to digest and share. At the Peck Law Group we are constantly moving towards the goal of eliminating elder neglect and abuse in California and throughout the United States. Your submitted elder abuse infographic may inform thousands of Americans of the signs and symptoms of abuse and can possibly land you a $500 scholarship if we choose your infographic!

Our challenge to you: Create an infographic on elder abuse and neglect using the following facts:

At least 5 cases of elder abuse go unreported for every 1 case.
Approximately 5 million Americans over the age of 60 become a victim of elder abuse or neglect every year.
The risk of death is 300 times greater for those that have been mistreated
2 out of every 3 elder abuse or neglect victims are women
Types of elder abuse and neglect:

Physical Abuse
Emotional Abuse
Sexual Abuse
Signs and Symptoms of Elder Abuse & Neglect:

Sores, bruises, and other marks on skin
Unexplained injuries
Clothing that is dirty, soiled, or bloody
Malnourishment or dehydration
Sexually transmitted diseases
Bruises or marks around breasts or genital area
Suspicious or unexplained bank activity such as withdrawals or unpaid bills
Missing personal property
Not medicated correctly
Duplicate care / service bills

If you’d like more information to use with your infographic, please visit http://www.premierlegal.org/practice-areas/elder-law/elder-abuse-lawyer/

Website: Apply here